The Spooky Book Tag

spooky halloween

Hey guys! The fall and Halloween season is finally upon us, which means I can do all the spooky tags I want. This tag was created by The Book Pusher on YouTube and I saw it going around, so I thought it would be fun to do. Without any further ado, let’s get into it.


1. Corn Maze– What book had you so confused and lost from the very beginning? 

I’m going to say The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro for this one. This is the second book in the series and I didn’t understand any of it. There were a lot of characters to keep track of, plus the plot was confusing to follow. I didn’t even know what was going on half the time.

2. Haunted House– What book has the creepiest setting? 

The house from The Women in the Walls by Amy Lukavics. I don’t remember too much from the setting, but I remember how creepy it was. I envisioned the house to be in the middle of nowhere with a forest backdrop and I think you guys get the idea.

3. Ghost Boyfriend– Who is your eternal boyfriend? 

As I’ve mentioned in previous tag with this type of question, I don’t really swoon over any male characters who I would consider to be my book boyfriend. So I have no one to answer this question.

4. Caramel Apple Suckers– Best dang Halloween book ever?

Besides The Diviners by Libba Bray, I’m gonna say Haunting Violet by Alyxandra Harvey. There’s a right amount of everything, including mystery, ghosts, and romance. I haven’t read it in a really long time, but it’s one that still remains with me even to this day.

5. “Pumpkin Spice Everything” — Your favourite Halloween trope? 

Probably vampires or ghosts. I enjoy reading books involving both of them as they are either cheesy (vampire) or intriguing (ghosts).

6. Evil Incarnate– The most evil villain?

I’m going with Sloane from the This Savage Song duology. He is just pure evil with no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

7. Ouji Board– A book that messes with things that you don’t want to be involved in? 

I have so many books to list for this one like the Illuminae Files (don’t ever want to go to space), This Savage Song duology (too many monsters and it’s actually quite terrifying) for example.

8. Full Moon–What character do you turn into on the full moon?

Theta Knight from The Diviners series by Libba Bray. She’s so badass but classy at the same time. And that’s something I aspire to become (more of) one day.

9. All Hallows Eve–The other world and this world have meshed together for one night; what book would you be swept in? 

Maybe combining our world with the Three Dark Crowns world could be interesting. This is because the fantasy world is set in a matriarchal society and our world is (obviously) very different. So seeing the two different world come together for one night could be for a cool experience.

10. Voodoo Doll– What author would you love to take control of and make them write anything you want? 

Libba Bray. Do I need to say more?

11. Black Cat– What red flags do you look for when first starting out a book? 

Definitely books that are overly gory and bloody.

12. Witches Brew– A book that had a lot of different components thrown in but the result was magic?

The Six of Crows duolgoy by Leigh Bardugo. There’s so many different elements present throughout the series and the way they’re presented is beautifully done. The diverse representation is also fantastic.


Those are all the questions and I hope you guys do this tag. I’m not tagging anyone in particular so you are more than welcome to do the tag on your own. Until my next post: Happy Reading!





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